Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Railway Bridge Over the Buffeljagsrivier

She still loves having a train run through her. It doesn’t happen often now; not like in her youth. In those days they would come at her every few hours, first from one side and then the other. Over the years she has lost her allure and she is visited but rarely. That makes her yearning more poignant and her fulfilment more ecstatic. She is always listening for the call away in the distance. When she hears it again it is louder and closer and more insistent. As the deep throbbing and rumbling grow louder, she can feel his urgency. He has straightened up and is bearing down on her, making her rails buzz and vibrate. He is almost there, charging with desperate lust towards the beckoning goal. Then he is in, and as his segmented length is drawn through her girders and struts, she quivers and shakes in rapture. Then she feels the last of him leaving, abandoning his conquest to other suitors. Or maybe he will return.

To view my longer work as an author, you can find me on Smashwords here.

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