Monday, October 17, 2022

A Stitch in Time

“A stitch in time saves nine” is an old English proverb that advises one to take remedial action sooner rather than later. It harks back to the days when people would mend articles of clothing in order to prolong their usefulness.

This is an example of wind erosion that gradually undermined a structure until one day it toppled over and will have to be rebuilt at considerable cost.

Here is the bench on Granddad’s Path, which starts at the bottom of Marine Road. (It is called Granddad’s Path because my father was the one who blazed this trail through the veld more than 35 years ago.) It looks like it, too, will soon fall over if nothing is done to shore it up.

And this is the bench above the Rotunda parking area.

To view my longer work as an author, you can find me on Smashwords here.

1 comment:

  1. The Pearly Beach Conservancy is busy with negotiations with the Municipality to repair the foundations of the 2 benches. The refuse drum structure has already been removed.


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