Monday, May 8, 2023

Semigration Control


As living conditions in the rest of the country rapidly deteriorate, a growing number of people is moving to the Western Cape, where provision of services is of a higher standard. There is also an exodus from cities to smaller towns, especially along the coast.

The Overstrand, from Rooiels to Pearly Beach, has seen an influx of these migrants in the past five years and, although they have contributed to the local economy, they have unfortunately also brought with them some undesirable values and attitudes that threaten our environment and rural way of life. It is, therefore, important to encourage those who wish to settle here to respect their new surroundings and the people who have been living here for generations.

Accordingly, I propose the introduction of something similar to the requirements imposed on those applying for citizenship in a new country. Anyone wishing to buy property and/or settle permanently in the Gansbaai and Pearly Beach areas should be asked to apply for a Welcome Certificate. To qualify, they would have to:

Demonstrate a knowledge and appreciation of their new natural environment by being able to name and identify

5 indigenous plants

3 invasive alien plant species

5 local garden birds

5 sea birds

3 local reptiles

3 animals still seen roaming wild.

They should also undertake to abide by the following guidelines:

New houses should not be ostentatious or vulgar in style and should not exceed 250 sq m in floor area

Houses should not be let as weekend party venues

No high walls and electric fences should be erected. The ‘fortress mentality’ in city suburbs is to be discouraged.

No kikuyu grass and large roll-on lawns that require watering in the summer months should be planted

No indigenous vegetation should be removed without first consulting a local conservationist

No bright security lights should be installed unless they are on a motion sensor control. Light pollution hinders appreciation of the night sky, and deters the movement of nocturnal animals.

Do not let a dog bark for more than one minute without silencing it, and do not leave it unattended when you are not at home

If you keep a cat, it should be neutered and fitted with a warning bell to prevent it from hunting birds

Furthermore, applicants should visit Masakane, Blompark and Eluxolweni to make them aware that not everyone in the area is a member of the privileged middle class.

They should also make themselves acquainted with the archaeological discoveries at Klipgat Cave and learn that there were people living along this coastline thousands of years before Europeans arrived.

Finally, they should be able to sing or recite a traditional song, like Daar Kom die Blouskuit or Wie Maak vir Gansbaai Lekker, and have read a local book, like Shark Alley Shootout or Strandveld Private Investigators.

Upon satisfying these requirements, the new arrivals will be congratulated and issued with their Certificates. Those who fail or refuse to comply will be informed that they are NOT WELCOME and will be urged to go back to where they came from.

To view my longer work as an author, you can find me on Smashwords here.

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